LED lights are being used more frequently and are growing in popularity for several reasons. Over 30 years ago, they first began to replace incandescent lights. This includes for such purposes as directional signal lights, vehicle brake lights, and traffic lights. Currently, the benefits of LED lights are being recognized for commercial businesses and residential properties. Furthermore, these lights are also being used in recreational vehicles such as waterproof LED light strips for boats.
The Benefits of LED Lighting Sources
Incandescent lamps are able to convert between nine and ten percent of the energy that is directed into the light. LEDs, however, are able to convert almost 100% of the energy they consume into light. These lights can also be recycled, which is of benefit to the environment and cost effective. Recent data indicates that a minimum of 95% of each LED light can actually be recycled.
Waterproof LED Light Strips for Boats
Boating enthusiasts will be happy to know that there are a variety of LED lights available. This includes marine LED spreader lights, marine LED light bars, and RGB rock lights. There are a variety of colors available as well, such as black, blue, green, and red lights.
LED Lights for Residential Usage
It’s important to note that residential LEDs use less energy and last longer than incandescent lighting sources. Recent figures indicate that these light sources will not only use 75% less energy, they will also last 25 times longer than their incandescent counterparts. When Americans opt for using an Energy Star LED light rather than a single incandescent light bulb, it would be comparable to removing emissions from 648,000 cars. Given that so many households put up holiday lights throughout the country, if just half, or 50% of incandescent lights were replaced with LED holiday lights, approximately $17.2 billion could be saved.
The Future of LED Lighting
By 2020, the U.S. Department of Energy estimates that 50% of residential light sockets will be for LEDs. The department has also estimated that LEDs will be adopted for both commercial and residential lighting. Over the next two decades, predictions indicate that this will bring savings of roughly $265 billion.
Learn More About the Benefits of LEDs
Once you contact a representative to learn about LED lights for commercial, residential, and recreational purposes, you will be able to learn even more about saving energy as well as overall costs. Since LEDs consume less energy and are longer lasting than incandescent bulbs, they are the most efficient and effective choice. Whether you are interested in purchasing LED lights for your business, home, or waterproof LED light strips for boats, you will notice the difference in your overall energy usage and utility bills.