It was about 130 years ago that something monumental happened in Boston. It was at that time that the first playground was built in the United States, and today children across the country happily play on the countless parks and playgrounds that have popped up as a result. It is hard to imagine a world without such fun places. They are vital elements of growing up, and just about everyone has at least one fond memory that they created at a playground with friends, siblings, or other family members.
Finding quality playground equipment for sale
As standard as playgrounds seem to be in our everyday lives, they do not just appear out of thin air. It takes quite a bit of planning and time to create something that all of the children in the neighborhood want to visit. As the playground architect, it is important to construct something that not only dazzles the imaginations of young children, but is also effective in matters of safety as well. As you look at different types of playground equipment for sale, it could be useful to think about the number of children that might be visiting the park, as well as the ages of potential visitors. Knowing the area can help you determine just what will end up being erected at the playground.
Custom playgrounds and specialized services
Browsing different types of playground equipment for sale is not the only job that needs to be done prior to the construction of the park. There might be occasions when it is necessary to consult other professional contractors or hire other vendors for their services. Playground equipment services could include the installation or maintenance of certain structures within the park, or simply consultation on the different types of equipment that might be ideal for that particular location.
You could be looking at installing playground climbing walls for an area or establishment that encourages children to tackle challenges and fitness from a young age, or perhaps you need to find the right daycare playground equipment for a facility that you are about to open. By doing a bit of research, you could find the right services that can tailor the equipment installation specifically to your preferences.
The importance of a good playground
These days, technology and electronic devices have become the go to babysitters for young children. While it is convenient and sometimes educational, the long term effects of too much screen time, especially in place of fresh air and sunshine, are more negative than beneficial. It is recommended that children get at least one hour of daily exercise every day, and yet today, just 43% of kids aged six to 11 years old get that recommended amount.
Only 73% of school districts across the country provide recess time for students of elementary age, and while that is the majority, that is still too great of a percentage of children left sitting at a desk all day without being given time to run around, play, and get in that vital exercise. Not only is it important for a child to have that free play time for the sake of exercise and physical health, but regular play helps to develop more than 400 genes in the cerebral cortex. Physical movement and the stimulation of imagination that often results from good playground equipment are essential elements of early childhood development.
Finding the right playground equipment for sale does not have to be a difficult process. If you keep the health and enjoyment of the children in mind, deciding on the layout and design of the perfect playground can actually be an exciting experience.